
How to install phpATM

  1. Create a folder for the PHP script on the server (or webspace).
  2. Adjust the values of the variables in the file include/conf.php (see the comments in the include/conf.php for more informations).
  3. Customize the file(s) languages/nn.php (where nn – is language code).
  4. If your server/webspace require a particular extension to recognize php scripts (eg ‘.php4′) you have to set the $phpExt in include/conf.php and change the extension of all (.php) files EXCLUDING include/conf.php.
  5. Copy all files and subfolders to the server (or upload them to your webspace).
  6. Chmod 777 all files and directories copied/uploaded (this is very important). Via your FTP client (using the Change Permissions, chmod or other Permissions dialoge box, see your FTP clients documentation for help). Most FTP clients list permissions in the form of User (Read, Write, Execute), Group (Read, Write, Execute) and Other (Read, Write, Execute). You need to tick all of these boxes to set correct permissions.
  7. Register your own new administrator account.
  8. Activate your new account (needed, if request activation is “on”)
  9. Log in as user “Admin“, password “test“.
  10. Go to the User Management and change the status of your newly created account to Administrator.
  11. Log out
  12. Log in using your newly created account, go to the User Management and delete the “Admin” account. DO NOT FORGET TO DO THIS!!! This can be a serious security hole!
  13. Go to the Configuration to customize the header, footer and info html-files.
  14. Make sure, that user accounts are not visible, when you type in the browser the address (where – is the server name where you installed your script and username – the name of any registered user) If visible, you have to change the configuration of the server!
  15. Enjoy

Example Installation

Lets say we want to install phpATM for the website in a folder called atm.

  1. We download a phpATM version.
  2. We extract the downloaded package (e.g. in an empty folder.
  3. We open the include/conf.php with a texteditor (Notepad++ would be a good choice) and changing some values.
    • $homeurl = "index.php";
    • $domain_name = '';
    • $script_folder_path = 'atm';
    For security reasons, we should change some folder names as well. Lets say we have renamed the folder users to johns and the folder userstat to johnsstat. So we have to change the fitting values in the include/conf.php as well:
    • $users_folder_name = 'johns';
    • $userstat_folder_name = 'johnsstat';
    I recommend to change the names of the other folders too.
  4. We open now the languages/en.php with a texteditor and changing some values.
    • $headerpage="header.htm";
    • $footerpage="footer.htm";
    • $infopage="cfg/info.htm";
    • $charsetencoding="iso-8859-1";
    • $uploadcentercaption=" ATM";
    Note: You can create other header, footer, info files for other languages. Like header_de.htm or footer_fr.htm, just add the names of the new files to the appropriate language .php.
  5. We upload now all files (except the docs folder) to the webspace from To do this, we use a FTP Client (FileZilla would be a really good choice).
  6. We Chmod the uploaded files to 777. To do this, we mark all files and folders and right-click on one of them, in the context-menu we choose File Attributes and change in the new window the Numeric value to 777.
  7. We start now our web browser (Mozilla Firefox would be a good choice) and open, on the site (which hopefully appears) we click on Login and then on Register. We create now an account John_Doe.
  8. After the registration (and activation), we log in as Admin with the password test.
  9. We click now on the symbol for the User Management (should be the 4th from the left) and change the status of John_Doe to Administrator and log out.
  10. Now we log in as John_Doe and click on the symbol for the User Management and delete the user Admin. (we mark Delete account and click apply)
  11. Then we click on the symbol for the Configuration (should be the 3rd from the left) and change there the footer.htm, header.htm and info.htm to fit our needs.
  12. We could now upload some (test) files…

Note: this is just an example! The website does not have a folder called atm nor make use of an Advanced Transfer Manager.